SSL: The data security transport

Wat is SSL?

SSL means secure socket layers - a accsess system. Your order would be sned as a cipher secret code to the internet. Only the centre calculator can decode the order and edit it. worke with the highest security standards of the data security. So your order could not be read from an unauthorized person. Only the lichtmuehlen - calculator has the "key" to
decode your order. More information:

How can I recognizes a save order by SSL?

When your order is sdaved with SSL you get an expressly hint, that your computer is going in the secutity mode SSL. (Sometimes you must confirms the security hint with "O.K"). More information: Your Webbrowser contains detailed explanations under the help-hints
over security-procedures and encoding. Also on the webseite of that
Manufacturers are located information:

Who delivers the security-technology to works with the internationally recognized security-technology the
Market-leader VeriSign. On the encoding-technology of the Californian
Company puts down 45.000 internal-seaweed-envoys world-wide.

More information: